Erotic stories of Curtis Sloan
Profile page of Curtis Sloan. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Curtis Sloan wrote 4 erotic stories which have been read 12K times
Gay | 2
Zoophilia | 1
First times | 1
2024-06-02 13:43:54
2023-03-11 10:35:16
Zoophiliawritten on
Big men fuck hippy surfer San diego 88' I accepted a ride from a big man driving in his Van going to the next town cause he offered me candy(rock cocaine) and he took me to a view spot pulled in fast and yanked me in back I was 73 lbs 39" tall he was behind me no bench seats in back just new carpet with thick padding
"relax lay down on your side let me rub that sweet ass of yours boy you get this hit if I get to rub you " "ok"
I took the hit and he had his pants off rubbing oil into my cheeks as I pul... reading time 11 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Runaway boy goes up and down the coast on the cock express 1990 early morning I made my way into Santa Monica pier and walked out their were people up moving around I was in my yoga pants which are very cheeky semi spandex my small pack and small bed roll I said hello to a tall bald black man who was friendly and knew I was a runaway he he asked if I dropped a dollar then rubbed my ass "need to make some money or get candy for play follow me so curious I wen with him.
He went in a large tent having me wait as I looked off the pier on the... reading time 18 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Beach adventure This was during the 1980's in southern California.
I would often walk to the next town 3 miles away San Diego is hot even in the first few months of the year I lived half a block from the ocean it was early but it was heating up fast my cut off shorts were worn out from lots of walking I had removed the rear pockets weeks before the sides torn up to the waistband lots of mature men come to sunbath in the nude I noticed a large sedan behind me then pull ahead of me and park as I passed a... reading time 29 mingenre
First timeswritten on